The Davidoff Dome Macassar Wood Brilliant Humidor for 50 – 65 Cigars. The sculptured dome requires hours of painstaking craftsmanship. The technical perfection of its curvature is a grand artistic innovation worthy of the finest cigars.
As a leader in innovation, Davidoff was the first to launch the humidification unit invented by Zino Davidoff in the mid 1950’s, which he named the humidor. Davidoff is constantly improving the design and quality of humidors to offer your cigars the optimal preservation conditions. Davidoff’s stringent quality standards for its cigars are the same for its accessories. From the selection of the wood to the quality of the fittings and the performance of our self-regulating humidification system, our expertise is shown in every detail.
- Durability of our humidors is guaranteed by high quality materials, experience and attention to detail
- Selected scentless breathable woods
- Special compartment to host accessories required to perfectly light your cigar: Davidoff scissors or Davidoff double blade cutters
- Exclusive self-regulating humidification systems developed exclusively for Davidoff
- Hermetic close
- Optimal conditions of 70-75% relative humidity guaranteed. The regulator releases humidity when the relative humidity sinks below the ideal value. If the value rises, the regulator automatically absorbs the excess moisture.
- Entry-level humidors enable every cigar smoker to enter the Davidoff world at an affordable price
Dimensions: 42.5 x 26.5 x 16.5cm