This Davidoff Nicaragua Collection has been curated by Tobacconist of Greenwich to give you the full Davidoff Nicaragua cigar experience. Davidoff Nicaragua cigars are highly-rated and rich in complexity. Crafted with premium Nicaraguan tobacco, these cigars offer a full-bodied smoking experience that’s both bold and balanced. Each puff delivers a symphony of flavors, including pepper, leather, and subtle spice, making it perfect for those who appreciate depth and sophistication in their smoke. Encased in a beautifully aged Habano Seed wrapper, the Nicaragua Toro is designed to provide a consistent and luxurious experience.
The Davidoff Nicaragua Collection includes one of each:
- 4-Pack of Davidoff Nicaragua Toro
- 4-Pack of Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto Tubos
- 4-Pack of Davidoff Nicaragua Box Press Toro