+1 (203) 869-5401

Davidoff Nicaragua Primeros Maduro


Strength: Medium
Format: Petit Panetela
Ring Gauge:34
Length (in):4 1/8
Smoking Time:15 minutes

Wrapper:Nicaragua Habano
Filler:Nicaragua, Dominican Republic
Provenance: Nicaragua

Sold in tins of 6 primeros



The Primeros by Davidoff Nicaragua in the Maduro version of the same Petit Panetela format imparts a more intensive flavor. The complexity and balance create an extraordinary smoking experience in those moments of escape , whether over lunch or a short break. This small cigar provides similar palate stimulation to the regular Davidoff Nicaragua line, yet is more intense and sweet, while developing amazing chocolate flavors.

It is not often that Davidoff comes out with an entirely new line of cigars, but when they do, Davidoff’s devoted patrons set high expectations. The all new Davidoff Nicaraguan line of premium cigars is far surpassing these expectations. The Nicaraguan line is the definition of cigar perfection. These cigars start with a light, mellow flavor reminiscent of a warm summer day. Light and airy, the Nicaraguan imparts flavors of hay and cedar with just a hint of cocoa and coffee.

With Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua, you can enjoy the same level of complexity and intense stimulation of the original Davidoff Nicaragua cigars in a Petit Panetela format. Expertly fashioned by Davidoff, these cigars release a slightly milder, peppery, creamy, and bitter-sweet taste.

Primeros Nicaragua is the perfect escape for a short sweet espresso, as well as a cordial with notes of almond and fruit.

Connoisseur’s Rating: 93/100

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