The Diamond Package includes one of each item listed below. Purchase this package to receive a set of free Winston Churchill Whisky and cigar glasses.
Davidoff Rose Gold Cutter [$380]
Davidoff is admired for setting the highest standard for premium cigar cutters in the cigar industry. The Davidoff double blade cutter has been crafted entirely with stainless steel to ensure the highest quality and carefully finished with German precision. The two blades are razor sharp for a clean cut while a 21mm diameter enables aficionados to cut their Davidoff cigars up to a 56 ring gauge.
Davidoff Aniversario Special R [$542.50]
This box of 25 cigars includes Davidoff’s most complex blend of tobacco, but it is so well blended that all of the tobaccos come together to create a harmonious medium bodied cigar. The Aniversario no. 3 is a toro-sized cigar that is perfect for travel and will last about one hour. If you purchase the Aniversario No. 3 Tubo, there will be a hint of cedar taste in the cigar.
S.T. Dupont Defi Extreme Black Jet Flame [$300]
Capable of withstanding winds up to 37 mph, the Défi Extrême guarantees maximum efficiency in all situations. Its extraordinarily powerful blue jet flame will light in any weather conditions provided by nature on a daily basis.
Elie Bleu Casa Cubana Blue Ashtray [$685]
The porcelain Elie Bleu Casa Cubana ashtrays are made in one of the oldest and most famous manufacturer of Limoges. The quality of the porcelain manufacture combined with the very colorful design of the collections make the ashtray line one of the brand’s “best sellers”.