A man of many layers and many dimensions, whose many facets added up to a personality which set him apart. A man who was the embodiment of time beautifully filled. A man who reveled in the richness of life and its many experience. For all these reasons, it is fitting that it is a range of Davidoff cigars
which should bear his name.
which should bear his name.
Introducing the collection of the Davidoff Winston Churchill short cigars. Two beautifully crafted cigars in a Belicoso and Petit Panetela format. The blend is inspired by the multifaceted character of Sir Winston Churchill, delivering a palate stimulation of pepper notes, dark coffee, wood and spices with a creamy aftertaste, an experience truly in line with the range of Davidoff Winston
Churchill cigars.
Churchill cigars.
• A complex and exciting blend in two shorter formats complimenting the Winston Churchill line.
• Blended with premium tobacco from multiple origins.
• An understanding and reflection on the multifaceted character of SirWinston Churchill
• A 25 minute moment of enjoyment in a new taste experience
• Blended with premium tobacco from multiple origins.
• An understanding and reflection on the multifaceted character of SirWinston Churchill
• A 25 minute moment of enjoyment in a new taste experience