The Davidoff Winston Churchill round cigar cutter with its modern see-through design is made of stainless steel and extra-hard, scratch-proof sapphire glass; carefully finished with German precision to ensure the highest quality. It was designed in the style of an old-time pocket watch to elegantly match gentlemanly attire.
The Winston Churchill Limited Edition cutter inspired by Sir Winston is adorned with Churchill’s silhouette. The cutter is protected by a leather pouch that can be attached to garments with a chain and a snap lock.
Always seeking highest standard of quality, this Davidoff round cutter will definitely deliver: precise cut, premium stainless steel material and stylish finishes. Featuring three different sizes of stainless steel blades, the Davidoff round cutter will enable aficionados to make an extremely precise round cut on any parejo cigar, allowing for even and smooth flavors. Light and practical, designed to fit in a pocket to accompany aficionados everywhere.