Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Series Petit Panetela:
Davidoff Master Blenders have mastered the challenge of blending a small format medium-filler cigar offering complexity and signature Davidoff balance as multi-faceted as the great aficionado’s character.
The cigars offer a more intense and spicier experience compared to the Petit Panetela cigars of the «The Original Series». Wrapped in a beautiful shiny dark brown wrapper from Ecuador this Petit Panetela is crafted in a 38 x 4 format.
TASTING NOTES: Black coffee, leather and spice, dark chocolate and cream, oak wood and pepper.
Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Petit Panetela
There is only one Winston Churchill and one cigar brand that can do justice to the multi-faceted man. Davidoff Winston Churchill cigars present multi-origin blends as complex as the man himself.
Complementing the milder blends of the «The Original Series» with a range of cigars with richer aromas, aficionados found «The Late Hour Series» to be the ideal addition to the collection, as they could now choose from cigars that would fit all occasions – throughout the day into the night.
Today, Davidoff launches the medium-filler Petit Panetela to give appreciators of the «The Late Hour Series» blend the opportunity for a shorter enjoyment with the same complexity in taste as the long-fillers Robusto, Toro and Churchill of the same line.
From morning to the early hours of the next morning, the powers of the Great Man never paused. Decisions to be made, alliances to be forged, wise words to be written. And all, usually, with a cigar in hand.
Fittingly, the Davidoff Winston Churchill range has a cigar which is perfect for any moment, day or night. Milder, creamier daytime blends and more robust, thought provoking creations for when the lights go down.
Winston was a master of both concentration and conversation: overseeing an empire, inspiring the key people around him and still finding the energy to fill pages of history after everyone had gone to bed.
Check out our collection of other Churchill Cigars.