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The Ultimate Guide to Master the Art of Cigar Storage with the 70/70 Humidor Rule

Proper cigar storage is crucial for maintaining the quality and flavor of your cigars. The 70/70 cigar humidor rule is a widely accepted guideline that helps ensure your cigars remain in optimal condition. In this article, we’ll explore what the 70/70 rule is, why it’s important, and how to implement it effectively.

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What is the 70/70 Cigar Humidor Rule?

The 70/70 rule refers to storing cigars at 70°F (21°C) with 70% relative humidity. This combination creates the ideal environment for cigars, preventing them from drying out or becoming too moist.

The Science Behind the 70/70 Rule

How Temperature Affects Cigars

Temperature plays a vital role in cigar preservation. Too much heat can cause cigars to expand and split, while too little can dry them out. Maintaining a steady temperature of 70°F helps keep cigars in their best condition.

The Role of Humidity in Preserving Cigars

Humidity is equally important. At 70% humidity, cigars retain their essential oils and flavors. If humidity drops too low, cigars can dry out and lose their aroma. Too high, and they can become moldy or infested with tobacco beetles.

Setting Up Your Humidor

Choosing the Right Humidor

Selecting a quality humidor is the first step in proper cigar storage. Look for a humidor that can maintain a consistent environment and has a good seal to prevent moisture loss.

Electronic Cabinet Cigar Humidor

Steps to Season Your Humidor

Seasoning your humidor involves preparing it to maintain the right humidity levels. Wipe the interior with distilled water, place a bowl of distilled water inside, and let it sit for 24-48 hours. This helps the wood absorb moisture, ensuring it can regulate humidity effectively.

Maintaining the 70/70 Conditions

Monitoring Temperature and Humidity

Regularly check the temperature and humidity levels in your humidor using a hygrometer and thermometer. This helps ensure that conditions remain stable and optimal for cigar storage.

Tools and Accessories for Maintenance

Invest in quality tools like digital hygrometers, humidification beads, and propylene glycol solution. These accessories help maintain consistent conditions and make it easier to manage your humidor.

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Benefits of Following the 70/70 Rule

Preserving Flavor and Aroma

By adhering to the 70/70 rule, you ensure that your cigars retain their full flavor and aroma, providing a more enjoyable smoking experience.

Preventing Mold and Beetle Infestations

Proper humidity levels prevent the growth of mold and the infestation of tobacco beetles, which can ruin your cigars.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

What to Do if Humidity is Too High or Low

If your humidor’s humidity is too high, remove some humidification elements or open the lid slightly to allow air to circulate. If it’s too low, add distilled water or humidification packs to bring levels back up.

Dealing with Temperature Fluctuations

Keep your humidor in a stable environment, away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and drafts. Consistent ambient temperature helps maintain the desired conditions inside the humidor.

Alternative Storage Methods

Using Boveda Packs

Boveda packs are an easy and effective way to maintain precise humidity levels. They come in various RH levels, making it simple to control the environment within your humidor.

Wineadors and Coolidors

For larger collections, consider using a wineador (a wine cooler converted for cigar storage) or a coolidor (a converted cooler). These alternatives offer more space and precise control over temperature and humidity.

S.T. Dupont Koi Humidor

Traveling with Cigars

Portable Humidor Options

Portable humidors are great for traveling. Look for models that can maintain stable conditions and protect your cigars from damage.

Maintaining Conditions on the Go

Use travel humidification packs and monitor the environment to ensure your cigars remain in optimal condition while traveling.

Impact of Climate on Cigar Storage

Storing Cigars in Different Climates

Climate can significantly affect cigar storage. In dry climates, you may need to add more humidification elements, while in humid areas, you might need to reduce them.

Seasonal Adjustments

Adjust your humidor settings seasonally to account for changes in ambient temperature and humidity, ensuring consistent conditions year-round.

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Cigar Aging and the 70/70 Rule

How Aging Affects Cigars

Aging cigars under the 70/70 rule allows their flavors to mature and develop complexity, resulting in a smoother and more refined smoking experience.

Aging Cigars Under the 70/70 Rule

Store cigars for several months or even years under the 70/70 conditions to enhance their flavor profiles. Patience is key, as aged cigars often offer a superior smoking experience.

Choosing the Right Humidification System

Passive vs. Active Humidification

Passive systems like humidification beads and Boveda packs are low-maintenance and reliable. Active systems, such as electronic humidifiers, offer precise control but require more upkeep.

Pros and Cons of Different Systems

Consider the size of your collection, budget, and maintenance preferences when choosing between passive and active humidification systems.

Expert Tips for Cigar Storage

Advice from Cigar Aficionados

Experienced cigar smokers recommend regularly rotating your cigars within the humidor to ensure even humidity distribution and prevent any cigars from becoming too moist or dry.

Best Practices for Long-Term Storage

For long-term storage, maintain stable conditions, monitor your humidor regularly, and avoid opening it frequently to preserve the environment.

Davidoff Air De Famille Ziricote Primos Humidor

Myths and Misconceptions About Cigar Storage

Debunking Common Myths

One common myth is that higher humidity is always better. In reality, too much humidity can cause mold and ruin cigars. Stick to the 70/70 rule for best results.

Understanding the Facts

Proper cigar storage involves more than just humidity. Temperature, air circulation, and the quality of your humidor all play crucial roles in maintaining your cigars’ quality.


In conclusion, the 70/70 cigar humidor rule is essential for maintaining the quality and flavor of your cigars. By understanding and implementing this rule, you can ensure your cigars remain in optimal condition, providing a superior smoking experience.

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What happens if my humidor is too humid or too dry?

If your humidor is too humid, cigars can become moldy or infested with beetles. If it’s too dry, they can crack and lose flavor. Adjust your humidification elements to maintain proper levels.

Can I store flavored cigars with regular cigars?

It’s best to store flavored cigars separately, as their aromas can mix with regular cigars, altering their flavors.

How often should I check my humidor?

Check your humidor’s temperature and humidity levels at least once a week to ensure stable conditions.

What is the best way to season a new humidor?

Wipe the interior with distilled water, place a bowl of distilled water inside, and let it sit for 24-48 hours. This prepares the wood to regulate humidity effectively.

Are electronic humidifiers worth the investment?

Electronic humidifiers offer precise control and convenience, making them worth the investment for serious cigar collectors.