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How to Cut a Cigar With or Without a Cutter: Mastering the Perfect Cut

Cutting a cigar is an essential step in the ritual of smoking. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or a novice, mastering the art of the perfect cut can significantly enhance your smoking experience. This comprehensive guide will take you through everything you need to know about cutting a cigar, including various cutting techniques, tools, and tips to achieve the ideal cut every time.

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Understanding Cigar Anatomy

Before diving into the cutting techniques, it’s essential to understand the basic anatomy of a cigar. A cigar consists of three main parts: the head, the body, and the foot.

  • Head: The end of the cigar that you cut and place in your mouth.
  • Body: The main part of the cigar that you smoke.
  • Foot: The open end of the cigar that you light.

The head is sealed with a cap, which is a small piece of tobacco leaf that keeps the wrapper intact. Cutting the cap correctly is crucial for a smooth draw and an enjoyable smoking experience.

Why Proper Cutting is Important

Cutting a cigar correctly is vital for several reasons. A proper cut ensures an even draw, allowing the smoke to flow smoothly through the cigar. It also helps maintain the integrity of the cigar’s construction, preventing the wrapper from unraveling. An improper cut, on the other hand, can lead to a tight draw, uneven burn, and an overall unsatisfactory smoking experience.

Types of Cigar Cutters

There are several types of cigar cutters available, each offering a different cutting style. The choice of cutter depends on personal preference and the type of cigar you’re smoking.

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1. Guillotine Cutter

The guillotine cutter, also known as a straight cutter, is the most common type of cigar cutter. It features a single or double blade that slices straight through the cap, creating a clean, straight cut.

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2. V-Cutter

The V-cutter creates a V-shaped notch in the cap of the cigar. This type of cut provides a concentrated draw and can enhance the flavor of certain cigars. V-cutters are especially popular for cigars with a larger ring gauge.

3. Punch Cutter

The punch cutter, or punch, creates a small circular hole in the cap of the cigar. This method is ideal for smaller ring gauge cigars and provides a more concentrated draw. Punch cutters are compact and portable, making them a convenient option for on-the-go smoking.

4. Cigar Scissors

Cigar scissors are specialized scissors designed for cutting cigars. They provide precise control and can be used to achieve a straight or angled cut. Cigar scissors are often preferred by experienced smokers who value precision.

5. Other Cutting Tools

In addition to the traditional cigar cutters, you can also use a sharp knife or even your teeth to cut a cigar in a pinch. However, these methods require more skill and precision to avoid damaging the cigar.


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How to Cut a Cigar with Different Cutters

Using a Guillotine Cutter


  1. Hold the cigar firmly in one hand.
  2. Position the guillotine cutter around the cap, about 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch from the end.
  3. Make a quick and decisive cut to ensure a clean slice.


Davidoff Year of the Dragon Cutter

Using a V-Cutter


  1. Place the V-cutter over the cap of the cigar.
  2. Ensure the blade is centered to create an even V-notch.
  3. Apply firm pressure and cut swiftly to avoid tearing the cap.

Using a Punch Cutter


  1. Place the punch cutter on the center of the cigar cap.
  2. Apply gentle pressure and twist the cutter to create the hole.
  3. Remove the punch cutter carefully to avoid damaging the cap.

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Using Cigar Scissors


  1. Open the scissors wide and position them around the cap of the cigar.
  2. Place the scissors about 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch from the end.
  3. Close the scissors quickly and decisively to ensure a clean cut.


How to Cut a Cigar Without a Cutter

Using a Knife

A sharp knife can serve as an alternative to a cigar cutter. Precision is key to avoid ruining the cigar.


  1. Hold the cigar and knife steady.
  2. Position the knife about 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch from the end of the cap.
  3. Gently slice through the cap with a smooth motion.

Using Scissors

A pair of sharp scissors can be a viable option for cutting a cigar. This method requires steady hands to achieve a clean cut.


  1. Open the scissors wide and position them around the cap of the cigar.
  2. Place the scissors about 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch from the end.
  3. Close the scissors quickly and decisively to ensure a clean cut.

Tips for Achieving the Perfect Cut

  • Use a Sharp Tool: Whether using a cutter, knife, or scissors, ensure the tool is sharp to achieve a clean cut.
  • Avoid Over-Cutting: Only cut enough of the cap to open the cigar. Cutting too much can cause the wrapper to unravel.
  • Be Decisive: Make a quick and confident cut to avoid tearing the cap and ruining the cigar.
  • Cut Above the Shoulder: The shoulder of the cigar is where the rounded end starts to straighten out. Cutting just above the shoulder ensures a clean cut without unraveling the wrapper.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Cutting Too Much: Over-cutting can lead to the wrapper unraveling, making the cigar difficult to smoke.
  • Using Dull Tools: A dull cutter or knife can crush the cigar instead of cutting it cleanly, resulting in a poor draw.
  • Inconsistent Cuts: Uneven cuts can lead to an uneven burn, affecting the overall smoking experience.
  • Cutting Below the Shoulder: Cutting below the shoulder can cause the wrapper to unravel, leading to a frustrating smoking experience.

Maintaining Your Cigar Cutter

Keeping your cigar cutter in good condition is essential for achieving the perfect cut every time. Here are some tips for maintaining your cutter:

  • Clean Regularly: Wipe the blades with a clean cloth after each use to remove any tobacco residue.
  • Sharpen Blades: Over time, the blades of your cutter may become dull. Use a sharpening stone or professional sharpening service to keep them sharp.
  • Store Properly: Store your cutter in a dry place to prevent rust and damage.

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Choosing the Right Cut for Different Cigars

Different cigars may benefit from different cutting methods. Here are some guidelines for choosing the right cut based on the type of cigar:

Parejo (Straight Sided) Cigars

  • Recommended Cuts: Straight cut, V-cut, Punch cut
  • Reason: These cigars have a uniform shape, making them suitable for various cutting methods.

Figurado (Irregularly Shaped) Cigars

  • Recommended Cuts: Straight cut, V-cut
  • Reason: The irregular shape of figurado cigars, such as torpedoes and perfectos, can make punch cuts difficult to execute.

Small Ring Gauge Cigars

  • Recommended Cuts: Punch cut, Straight cut
  • Reason: Smaller ring gauge cigars benefit from a more concentrated draw, which can be achieved with a punch cut.

Large Ring Gauge Cigars

  • Recommended Cuts: V-cut, Straight cut
  • Reason: Larger ring gauge cigars can handle a deeper cut, allowing for a more substantial draw.

Advanced Cutting Techniques

For those looking to refine their cutting skills further, here are some advanced techniques to consider:

Double V-Cut (Cat’s Eye Cut)

The double V-cut involves making two V-cuts perpendicular to each other, creating a cross-shaped notch in the cap. This method maximizes the draw and is ideal for larger ring gauge cigars.


  1. Make the first V-cut as described earlier.
  2. Rotate the cigar 90 degrees and make a second V-cut.
  3. Ensure both cuts intersect to form a cross shape.

Angled Cut

An angled cut involves cutting the cap at a 45-degree angle. This method can enhance the draw and is often used for torpedo-shaped cigars.


  1. Position the cutter at a 45-degree angle to the cap.
  2. Make a quick and decisive cut.
  3. Ensure the angle is even to prevent an uneven burn.

Experimenting with Different Cuts

Part of the enjoyment of smoking cigars is experimenting with different cutting techniques to find what works best for you. Try various methods and observe how they affect the draw and flavor of your cigar. Over time, you’ll develop a preference for certain cuts and gain a deeper appreciation for the art of cigar smoking.

Cigar Smoking Tips

To enhance your cigar smoking experience, consider these additional tips:

  • Store Properly: Keep your cigars in a humidor to maintain their quality.
  • Light Evenly: Use a butane lighter or wooden match to light your cigar evenly.
  • Pace Yourself: Smoke slowly to savor the flavors and avoid overheating the cigar.
  • Rotate the Cigar: Rotate the cigar while smoking to ensure an even burn.
  • Clean Your Tools: Regularly clean your cutters and lighters for optimal performance.

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Mastering the art of cutting a cigar is essential for any cigar enthusiast. Whether you use a guillotine cutter, V-cutter, punch cutter, or an alternative method, the key is to achieve a clean, precise cut that enhances your smoking experience. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can achieve the perfect cut and enjoy your cigar to the fullest.