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Davidoff cigars are synonymous with luxury, craftsmanship, and exceptional quality. Known for their high price tags, these cigars often leave people wondering what makes them so expensive. This article explores the various factors that contribute to the premium pricing of Davidoff cigars, from the meticulous production process to the brand’s prestigious reputation.

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The History and Heritage of Davidoff Cigars

The Founding of Davidoff

Davidoff was founded by Zino Davidoff in the early 20th century. Originally a tobacco shop in Geneva, Switzerland, the brand quickly grew in reputation for offering high-quality cigars. Zino’s passion for tobacco and his commitment to excellence laid the foundation for what would become one of the most prestigious cigar brands in the world.

Commitment to Quality

From the beginning, Davidoff has prioritized quality over quantity. This commitment is evident in every aspect of their production process, ensuring that each cigar meets the highest standards of excellence.

davidoff hand rolled cigars

The Production Process

Exceptional Tobacco

Davidoff cigars are made using only the finest tobacco leaves, sourced from the best tobacco-growing regions in the world. The selection process is rigorous, with experts carefully choosing leaves that meet the brand’s exacting standards. The quality of the tobacco used is a significant factor in the cost of Davidoff cigars.

Expert Blending

Blending is an art form at Davidoff. Master blenders with years of experience meticulously create blends that deliver complex and harmonious flavors. This expertise ensures that each Davidoff cigar provides a unique and refined smoking experience.

davidoff hand-rolled robusto real especial 7 cigars

Handcrafting Perfection

Each Davidoff cigar is handcrafted by skilled artisans who undergo extensive training to perfect their craft. The hand-rolling process is time-consuming and requires a high level of skill, contributing to the overall cost of the cigars.

Aging and Fermentation

Extended Aging Process

Davidoff cigars undergo an extended aging process, allowing the tobacco to mature and develop its flavors fully. This aging process can take several years, during which the tobacco is carefully monitored and maintained. The result is a smoother, more refined smoking experience, but it also adds to the production costs.


Fermentation is a critical step in the production of Davidoff cigars. The tobacco leaves are fermented multiple times to remove impurities and enhance their natural flavors. This meticulous process is both time-intensive and costly, but it ensures that the final product is of the highest quality.

Packaging and Presentation

Elegant Packaging

Davidoff cigars are known for their elegant packaging, which reflects the brand’s commitment to luxury. High-quality materials and sophisticated designs are used to create packaging that protects the cigars and enhances their appeal. This attention to detail in packaging adds to the overall cost of the cigars.

Brand Prestige

The Davidoff brand is synonymous with luxury and prestige. Over the years, it has built a reputation for excellence and exclusivity, which allows it to command higher prices. Consumers are willing to pay a premium for the assurance of quality and the prestige associated with the Davidoff name.

Market Position and Exclusivity

Limited Production

Davidoff maintains a limited production to ensure that each cigar meets its high standards. This exclusivity makes the cigars more desirable and allows the brand to maintain its premium pricing.

Davidoff Royal Release Robusto

Targeting a Discerning Audience

Davidoff cigars are marketed to a discerning audience that values quality, craftsmanship, and luxury. This target market is willing to invest in premium products that offer a superior experience, justifying the higher prices.

The Smoking Experience

Complex and Refined Flavors

The meticulous production process and high-quality tobacco used in Davidoff cigars result in complex and refined flavors. Each cigar offers a unique and enjoyable smoking experience, making it worth the investment for many aficionados.

Consistency and Reliability

Davidoff cigars are known for their consistency and reliability. Smokers can expect the same high-quality experience with every cigar, which is a significant factor in their willingness to pay premium prices.


Davidoff cigars are expensive due to a combination of factors, including the use of exceptional tobacco, expert blending, meticulous handcrafting, extended aging processes, and elegant packaging. The brand’s prestigious reputation and commitment to quality further justify the premium pricing. For those who appreciate the art of fine cigars, Davidoff offers an unparalleled smoking experience that is worth the investment.

Davidoff Maduro Toro


What makes Davidoff cigars so special?

Davidoff cigars are special because of their exceptional quality, meticulous production process, and the use of the finest tobacco. The brand’s commitment to excellence ensures a superior smoking experience.

Why are Davidoff cigars more expensive than other brands?

Davidoff cigars are more expensive due to the high costs associated with sourcing premium tobacco, expert blending, handcrafting, and extended aging processes. The brand’s prestige and commitment to quality also contribute to the higher prices.

How should I store Davidoff cigars?

Store Davidoff cigars in a humidor with stable humidity levels around 70% and a temperature of about 70°F (21°C) to maintain their quality and flavor.

Are Davidoff cigars worth the price?

Many aficionados believe that Davidoff cigars are worth the price due to their exceptional quality, complex flavors, and the luxurious smoking experience they offer.

Can I find limited edition Davidoff cigars?

Yes, Davidoff occasionally releases limited edition cigars that feature rare tobaccos and unique blends. These limited editions are highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts.