The first Davidoff Nicaragua 60×6 Box-Pressed cigar, is a must for every aficionado looking for an intense complexity of flavors. This blend of 100% Nicaraguan tobacco, aged and produced in our Dominican Republic facilities, received the approval of our Master Blender. A blend composed of three different filler tobaccos, a Nicaraguan Habano Jalapa binder, and finished with a dark, oily, deep brown Habano Rosado wrapper. This multi layered blend of carefully selected tobaccos, create a cigar with peppery, sweet, and creamy complex notes, complimented by a beautifully rich aroma.
Now available in Davidoff Yamasa, Nicaragua, Nicaragua Box Pressed and Escurio.
The Davidoff Nicaraguan line of premium cigars is far surpassing these expectations. The Nicaraguan line is the definition of cigar perfection. These cigars start with a light, mellow flavor reminiscent of a warm summer day. Light and airy, the Nicaraguan imparts flavors of hay and cedar with just a hint of cocoa and coffee.
See the world. Or even better, taste the world. Davidoff’s Master Blenders sought to create a exquisitely unique experience to discover what has never been done before. Four of the most expertly crafted adventurous blends, now provide the opportunity to explore the series in the same format. Each series is crafted from the finest tobacco from around the world. Dare to discover the intensity of Yamasa, explore the bitter sweetness of Nicaragua and let the intrigue and originality of Escurio guide you through a new journey to discover.
Inspired by the passionate, pioneering spirit of our founder Zino Davidoff, and led by Master Blender Henke Kelner, our tobacco masters were tasked with seeking out an intense, new and original blend that would stimulate both the bitter and sweet taste buds. A cigar which takes you on a journey of new palate stimulation and more intensified flavors to satisfy the senses.
Connoisseur’s Rating: 94/100