Davidoff Master Selections, a rare offering of cigars. Along with Eladio’s dedicated work on Davidoff cigars, he finds passion in creating his own cigar blends for his personal enjoyment. These blends are created through inspiration from Eladio’s worldly travels,...
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Davidoff Master Selection No. 15
Davidoff Master Selection No. 15, a rare offering of cigars. Along with Eladio’s dedicated work on Davidoff cigars, he finds passion in creating his own cigar blends for his personal enjoyment. These blends are created through inspiration from Eladio’s worldly...
Davidoff Master Selection No. 13
Davidoff Master Selection No. 13, a rare offering of cigars. Along with Eladio’s dedicated work on Davidoff cigars, he finds passion in creating his own cigar blends for his personal enjoyment. These blends are created through inspiration from Eladio’s worldly...
Davidoff Master Selection No. 11
Davidoff Master Selection No. 11, a rare offering of cigars. Along with Eladio’s dedicated work on Davidoff cigars, he finds passion in creating his own cigar blends for his personal enjoyment. These blends are created through inspiration from Eladio’s worldly...
Davidoff Master Selection No. 10
Davidoff Master Selection, a rare offering of cigars. Along with Eladio’s dedicated work on Davidoff cigars, he finds passion in creating his own cigar blends for his personal enjoyment. These blends are created through inspiration from Eladio’s worldly travels, taste...
Davidoff Master Selection No. 8
Davidoff Master Selection No. 8, a rare offering of cigars. Along with Eladio’s dedicated work on Davidoff cigars, he finds passion in creating his own cigar blends for his personal enjoyment. These blends are created through inspiration from Eladio’s worldly travels,...
Davidoff Master Selection No. 5
Davidoff Master Selections, a rare offering of cigars. Along with Eladio’s dedicated work on Davidoff cigars, he finds passion in creating his own cigar blends for his personal enjoyment. These blends are created through inspiration from Eladio’s worldly travels,...
Davidoff Master Selection No. 4
Davidoff Master Selection No. 4, a rare offering of cigars. Along with Eladio’s dedicated work on Davidoff cigars, he finds passion in creating his own cigar blends for his personal enjoyment. These blends are created through inspiration from Eladio’s worldly travels,...
Davidoff Master Selection 2012
THE STORY The beautiful Dominican summer sun that helped grow the tobacco served as source of inspiration for the Davidoff Master Selection 2012 blend. Its Yamasá visus filler tobaccos were aged in Bourbon barrels, which deliver an additional sweetness to the notes of...
Davidoff Master Blend Selection 2
Davidoff's Master Blender Eladio Diaz has spent many years seeking the best tobaccos the world has to offer in order to create his memorable blends. The Davidoff Master Blend Selection is a limited collection of his finest blends to date. Numbered from 1 to 15, each...
Discover the Davidoff Grand Cru Cigar Line: An In-Depth Review
Davidoff Grand Cru cigar line is a testament to the brand's commitment to excellence, offering a refined and luxurious smoking experience. In this article, we will explore what makes a Grand Cru cigar, the inspiration behind the Davidoff Grand Cru line, its price...
Discover the World of Davidoff Cigars
Discover the World of Davidoff Cigars: A Journey Through Luxury and Craftsmanship Introduction Davidoff is a name synonymous with luxury, sophistication, and exceptional craftsmanship in the world of cigars. Founded by Zino Davidoff in 1968, the brand has established...
Top 5 Rare Davidoff Cigars: A Connoisseur’s Guide
Top 5 Rare Davidoff Cigars: A Connoisseur's Guide Introduction Davidoff cigars are synonymous with luxury, sophistication, and unparalleled craftsmanship. Founded by Zino Davidoff in 1968, the Davidoff brand has become a symbol of premium quality in the cigar world....
Is the Davidoff Maduro the Ultimate Maduro Cigar?
Is the Davidoff Maduro the Ultimate Maduro Cigar? When it comes to luxury cigars, few names command as much respect and admiration as Davidoff. Among their exquisite lineup, the Davidoff Maduro stands out as a symbol of sophistication and exceptional craftsmanship. At...
Why Are Davidoff Cigars So Expensive?
Introduction Davidoff cigars are synonymous with luxury, craftsmanship, and exceptional quality. Known for their high price tags, these cigars often leave people wondering what makes them so expensive. This article explores the various factors that contribute to the...
Unlocking the Mystique: A Collector’s Guide to Davidoff’s Year of the Zodiac Cigars
Davidoff Cigars has long been synonymous with luxury and craftsmanship, qualities that are epitomized in its exclusive Year of the Zodiac series. Launched to celebrate the Chinese New Year, each release in the series is dedicated to the zodiac sign of the respective...
Davidoff Nicaragua 10th Anniversary Limited Edition Cutter
The Davidoff Nicaragua 10th Anniversary Limited Edition cigar high-quality double blade cutter is the ideal complement to the limited-edition cigar. Stainless steel brushed, matte black and silver blades Davidoff Nicaragua pattern and number of available pieces...
Davidoff Nicaragua 10th Anniversary Limited Edition
The Davidoff Nicaragua 10th Anniversary Limited Edition cigar was created to please aficionados who are in search of new taste sensations, Davidoff’s Master Blenders composed the limited-edition gran toro cigar with a selection of tobaccos of a total age of 45 years,...
Davidoff Vault Cuvee Selection 2012
Davidoff Vault Cuvee Selection 2012, also known as Year of the Dragon, is a blend that exhibits classic Davidoff flavor characteristics, and till now enjoyed by very few around the world. This Interesting cigar uses tobaccos that create very subtle, yet complex...
Davidoff Royal Release Robusto
Davidoff Royal Release Robusto is a cigar 10 Years in the making, made with the finest tobaccos, and hand rolled by the finest rollers. The Aromatica Dominicana wrapper has been chosen especially for its extraordinary beauty and shine. A wrapper specially reserved for...
Davidoff Royal Release Salomones
Davidoff Royal Release Salomones 10 Years in the making, made with the finest tobaccos, and hand rolled by the finest rollers. The Aromatica Dominicana wrapper has been chosen especially for its extraordinary beauty and shine. A wrapper specially reserved for the...
Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema
Introducing the all new Davidoff Nicaraguan Cigars. It is not often that Davidoff comes out with an entirely new line of cigars, but when they do, Davidoff’s devoted patrons set high expectations. The all new Davidoff Nicaraguan line of premium cigars is far...
Top 10 Luxury Cigar Sample Pack
This is not your average cigar sample pack, this is a curated collection of the best, and rarest luxury cigars. The sampler is comprised of some of the most luxurious cigars on the market today. Each are worthy of the time and attention of the cigar aficionado. #10...
A 2023 Limited Edition cigar, Now Shipping!Embelished with 24 ct Gold and Swarovski Crystals.KKP Special Reserve RARE cigars and humidor.A 2023 Limited Edition cigar, now available.A curated pack of 10 rare La Flor Dominicana cigars available in limited...
Rare Finds 10-Cigar Assortment: Blend 1229-42 and 1011-42
Elevate your cigar collection with the Rare Finds 10-Cigar Assortment, exclusively curated by The Tobacconist of Greenwich. This exquisite selection includes five of each of our most sought-after blends: Rare Finds Blend 1229-42 and Rare Finds Blend 1011-42, offering...
Exploring the World of Rare Cigars
Exploring the World of Rare Cigars: Why The Tobacconist of Greenwich is Your Best Source Introduction Rare cigars hold a special allure for aficionados, offering unique flavors, limited availability, and a sense of exclusivity. These cigars are often produced in small...
Exploring the Many Shapes and Sizes of Cigars: A Comprehensive Guide
Exploring the Many Shapes and Sizes of Cigars Introduction The world of cigars is as diverse as it is fascinating, offering an array of shapes and sizes that cater to different preferences and smoking experiences. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a curious...
Cigarillo Knowledge 101: Comprehensive Guide to Small Cigars
Cigarillo Knowledge 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Small Cigars Cigarillos are a popular choice for those who enjoy the rich flavor of cigars but prefer a shorter, more convenient smoking experience. These small cigars pack a punch in a compact size, making them a...
Tobacconist of Greenwich | Rare Cigars Shop | Cigar Lounge
For a limited time, shop Opus X Forbidden X boxes and 10-packs. In-stock and ready to ship while quantities last.Discover the Arturo Fuente Opus X La Gran Fumada The Impossible Collection 13 Vol. II, a limited-edition assortment of 13 rare...