The La Flor Dominicana 25th Anniversary cigar
La Flor Dominicana was founded in 1996 in Santiago, Dominican Republic. Their commitment to quality, consistency and customer service has placed this brand among the most prestigious premium cigar brands in the world. Over the years we have developed a portfolio of quality blends, shapes, and sizes which fulfill the ever-changing needs of today’s cigar smokers. The well-known consistency is possible because they personally supervise every stage of production; from farming tobacco at their farm in La Canela, to the art of manufacturing in their modern factory.
In 1997 LFD made a decision that would forever change our fate and define the identity of our brand. They purchased their own farm. To this day the tobacco grown in their farm in La Canela makes up a great majority of all the tobacco used in our cigars and is the base from which we blend with high quality tobaccos from around the world.