Arturo Fuente Hemingway Best Seller Maduro is simply one of the best lines of cigars. This cigar’s quality, taste, and price truly make it a go-to cigar for everyone.
The “Hemingway Blend” of Dominican filler and binder along with a select African Cameroon wrapper, produce thick clouds of white smoke with a rich aroma. The construction is impeccable and the burn is perfect. You are sure to enjoy this great smoke!
Connoisseur’s Rating: 88/100
Arturo Fuente Hemingway Cigars are a tribute to the renowned author Ernest Hemingway, known for his impactful short stories.
These cigars, like Hemingway’s literary works, are crafted with precision and attention to detail. The Fuente Hemingway Short Story is a popular choice among the cigar aficionado community looking for a rich and flavorful smoke that captivates the senses.
With a blend of high-quality tobaccos, the popular Arturo Fuente Hemingway Best Seller Maduro offers a unique smoking experience that is both smooth and satisfying.
Each puff reveals complex flavors and aromas as Carlos Fuente envisioned it. Making Arturo Fuente cigars a perfect companion for moments of relaxation or celebration.
Whether you are a fan of the Arturo Fuente Cigars or simply appreciate the art of cigar-making, the Arturo Fuente Hemingway Cigars are sure to impress.
These premium handmade cigars utilize a Cameroon wrapper tobacco from the Dominican Republic. Indulge in the tradition and craftsmanship of these cigars, and savor the essence of a well-crafted short story with every draw.
With a unique perfecto shape, this Arturo Fuente cigar in the Hemingway line has a flavor profile the full bodied and medium bodied cigar smoker will love.
These cigars are made at Chateau de la Fuente in the Dominican Republic. Buy highly-rated cigars online like the Arturo Fuente Hemingway Series. Check out our full collection of Arturo Fuente cigars and buy Fuente Opus X cigars online.