The Arturo Fuente Hemingway Between the Lines is a distinguished cigar that exemplifies the pinnacle of craftsmanship and innovation from the renowned Fuente family. Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, this medium-bodied perfecto is celebrated for its unique barber pole wrapper, combining U.S. Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro and African Cameroon leaves, resulting in a visually striking appearance and a complex flavor profile.
Flavor Profile:
The Between the Lines cigar offers a harmonious blend of flavors, including:
- Woody Undertones: A foundation of rich cedar and oak notes.
- Herbal Nuances: Subtle hints of herbs that add depth to the smoking experience.
- Spice Accents: Touches of nutmeg and baking spices that enhance complexity.
- Nutty Finish: A mellow conclusion with notes of slivered almond.
Unique Features:
- Barber Pole Wrapper: The dual-wrapper design not only captivates the eye but also contributes to the cigar’s intricate flavor dynamics.
- Limited Production: Due to the meticulous craftsmanship required, this cigar is produced in limited quantities, making it a coveted choice among aficionados.
Smoking Experience:
The perfecto shape ensures an even burn and smooth draw, allowing smokers to fully appreciate the cigar’s evolving flavors. Its medium strength makes it suitable for both seasoned smokers and those new to premium cigars.
The Arturo Fuente Hemingway Between the Lines has received high praise, including a 90-point rating from Cigar Aficionado, highlighting its exceptional quality and flavor.
Given its limited production, availability may vary. Enthusiasts are encouraged to acquire this exceptional cigar when the opportunity arises.