The Davidoff Geant Thuya Humidor holds 190-250 Cigars. The journey of every Davidoff humidor begins in Africa, where Gabon wood, also known as Okoumé, grows. This special wood is used inside all our humidors as it has features that are perfect for taking care of cigars: it is odorless, which ensures that no flavor is transferred to the cigars. We also varnish the Okoumé wood so that the humidity is sealed inside the humidor and the regulator needs to be replenished less often. To create this perfect cocoon for your cigars, Davidoff partners with an atelier in a small French village where a team of 15 cabinetmakers has perfected its craftsmanship over the years.
- Palladium-coated lock and side handles
- Contains 3 Davidoff de Luxe regulators and a removable basket
- Interior of all humidors feature varnished odorless African Okoume wood – sealed so humidity is not absorbed into wood
- Made by hand in France by 15 skilled cabinetmakers, ensuring the highest quality and lifetime structure guarantee
- Self-regulating system regulates the humidity level inside the humidor