Padron 1964 No 4 Natural cigars are made in Nicaragua by a highly-respected cigar family with a fine Cuban heritage. The Padron 1964 Anniversary Maduro is one of the most exquisite tasting and full-bodied cigars you’ll ever smoke. Much richer and sweeter than the 1964 Natural, the Maduro presents a complex tapestry of flavors with traces of coffee bean, cocoa, and hazelnut. Handmade with 4-year-aged all-Nicaraguan tobaccos, these rare, box-pressed premiums are some of the world’s most highly-rated and memorable cigars.
Cigar Aficionado Rating: 97/100
The Padron 1964 No 4 Natural was awarded the #1 cigar of the year for 2021.
Here is what Cigar Aficionado had to say about it:
“Along with excellence and distinction, consistency has always been heavily weighed when we create our annual Top 25 rankings. And no cigar company has been as consistent as Padrón. It was the first manufacturer to be named Cigar of the Year for 2004 when we started publishing this awards list, and now, 17 years later, Padrón has produced the No. 1 cigar of 2021. This is the fourth time for Padrón to be named Cigar of the Year, making this family-owned business the record holder. Furthermore, Padrón has now occupied a place in the top five every year but one, for a total of 16 times.”