The Padrón 60th Anniversary Maduro Cigar is an exclusive release honoring Padrón Cigars’ six decades of producing world-class smokes. Crafted with premium Nicaraguan tobaccos, this limited-edition cigar offers a full-bodied experience with deep, rich flavors. The maduro wrapper adds an extra layer of complexity, creating a bold yet smooth smoking experience.
This cigar is rolled in a 6 1/2 x 56 perfecto size, a special departure from Padrón’s signature box-pressed shapes. The blend delivers powerful notes of dark chocolate, black coffee, earth, and a touch of sweetness, all balanced perfectly by the richness of the maduro wrapper. Each draw reveals a new dimension, making this cigar ideal for seasoned smokers looking for depth and complexity.
Presented in an elegant 10-count box with each cigar individually packaged in its own coffin, the Padrón 60th Anniversary Maduro Cigar is a collector’s dream. As a highly limited release, this cigar is a must-have for those who appreciate the art of fine tobacco.
- Blend: Nicaraguan puro
- Size: 6 1/2 x 56 (perfecto)
- Wrapper: Maduro
- Limited edition, individually packaged in coffins
- 10-count box presentation
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