The Sencillo Platinum Robusto cigar has the most pronounced and full-bodied flavor of all the Sencillo Platinum shapes. The spice notes are more intense, yet the cigar remains balanced and never overwhelms the palate.
Handmade in Danli, Honduras, the Sencillo Platinum blend uses Habano de Jamastran tobacco for the wrapper, filler, and binder, with Piloto Cubano tobacco added to the filler to balance out the flavor. The Sencillo Platinum is a puro, made entirely from tobacco grown in Honduras.
All of the Sencillo Platinum cigars exude a rich, spicy flavor and have notes of allspice and cinnamon. A bountiful flavor lingers on your tongue. A slightly sweet undertone tames the spicy taste. The medium-to-full bodied tobacco has the refined, leathery taste that reveals careful fermentation and aging.
Sencillo cigars come from the same makers as Angelenos cigars and God of Fire cigars.