The Casa Fuente 808 Maduro is a luxurious 6 x 52 Toro that embodies everything an aficionado could desire in a cigar. Crafted by Arturo Fuente Cigars with an Ecuadorian Maduro wrapper over Dominican binder and filler, this cigar delivers a medium to full-bodied experience, rich in flavor and complexity. Known for its dark, toothy wrapper, the 808 Maduro is visually striking and promises an equally striking smoking experience.
From the first draw, the smoker is greeted with a bittersweet cocoa note, accompanied by hints of cedar and fruit sweetness. As the cigar develops, the cocoa transforms into a more robust black coffee flavor, with subtle undertones of pepper and hay adding to the complexity. The mid-section of the cigar reveals a deep richness, with coffee and cedar dominating the profile, while the pepper spice becomes more prominent on the retrohale.
The Casa Fuente 808 Maduro offers excellent construction, with a slightly firm draw that rewards the smoker with thick clouds of smoke. The burn is even, requiring minimal touch-ups, and the ash holds firm with a silver-gray color. This cigar is medium to full-bodied, making it a perfect choice for an evening smoke, pairing beautifully with a glass of whiskey or espresso.
For those seeking a rich and complex Toro with a Maduro wrapper, the Casa Fuente 808 Maduro is a top contender. Available at Tobacconist of Greenwich.
Why Casa Fuente Cigars Stand Out
Exceptional Quality
Casa Fuente 808 Maduro cigars are crafted with the utmost attention to detail, using only the finest aged tobaccos. The meticulous selection and aging process, combined with the expertise of the Fuente family, ensure that each cigar offers a superior smoking experience.
Elegant Presentation
The elegant presentation of Casa Fuente cigars adds to their appeal, making them perfect for special occasions and gifting. The beautiful packaging reflects the luxury and sophistication of the Fuente brand.