This is Davidoff’s most complex blend of tobacco, but it is so well blended that all of the tobaccos come together to create a harmonious medium bodied cigar. The Aniversario no. 3 is a toro-sized cigar that is perfect for travel and will last about one hour. If you purchase the Aniversario No. 3 Tubo, there will be a hint of cedar taste in the cigar.
Enhance every celebration with Davidoff Aniversario, an expanded series by Davidoff which merges the Special Series and the Aniversario series. Aniversario is a celebration of life itself. In a world where time is of the essence there is always a moment to enjoy that which is out of the ordinary. Unconventional harmonies create special occasion medium blends, be they flavors of cedar and spice gently unfurling into an irresistibly creamy aftertaste, or warm notes of leather, nuts, black pepper and spices mingling together. The exquisite aroma and carefully balanced blend of tobacco ensures the most important times are beautifully filled.
Connoisseur’s rating: 94/100