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Davidoff Exquisite


Format: Toro

WRAPPER: Dominican Republic
BINDER: Ecuador
FILLER: Dominican Republic (5) Different tobaccos


The Davidoff Exquisite cigar is blended by Davidoff Master Blender Eladio Diaz as one of his preferred everyday cigars. Davidoff Exquisite exhibits very intense wood and spice flavors, with a very balanced amount of sweet stimulation to provide a harmonious smoking experience, both rich in flavor and bold intensity.

The blend features a variety of tobacco, including a great amount of Ligero tobacco from 2 different regions in the Dominican Republic, spice and sweetness of the Ecuadorian binder, along with a very flavor wrapper from the Yamasa region, providing beautiful notes of wood and earth.

Master Blender Eladio Diaz chooses this cigar as one of his favorites to end his day. To create a truly exquisite smoking experience he pairs this cigar with some of his favorite whiskeys that provide complimentary flavors with added sweet notes of citrus and dark fruit.

Tasting Notes

1/3 – A balanced blend which begins with a spicy & sweet creaminess, cinnamon spice, oak wood and dark cocoa. The retrohale is spicy with medium-strength.

2/3 – Spice continues and is heightened. Wood notes become smokier, almost charred. Cocoa notes are sweeter, not as dark or dry. The aroma of roasted almonds , surprisingly subtle and round. The retro-hale has becomes soRer and less spicy, smoother and balanced.

3/3 – Smoky wood notes continue, now with notes of leather and spice. Aroma is very pleasant, spicy and sweet. Palate stimulation draws more focus to the central and rear of the palate, allowing full balance of flavors.

Additional information


Single, Bundle of 10

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