The Davidoff Ginza Vault cigar was originally released in 2010, and was created to commemorate the anniversary of Davidoff of Geneva since 1911 store located in Tokyo’s Ginza district.
This elegant Salamones format cigar provides a perfectly balanced palate stimulation. Only 4,000 of these cigars have been released in the U.S for the 10th anniversary in 2020.
Tasting Notes
1/3 – The cigar has a pleasant start, with sweet notes of hazelnut and salted toffee, along with the notes of cedar wood. Very clean and balanced palate stimulation focused in the sweet, spice and salt region.
2/3 – Intensity develops, with stimulation now more focused in the center of the palate, as well as the sweet region. The aroma is very satisfying, nutty and sweet with hints of spice and creamy finish.
3/3 – A balanced palate stimulation continues throughout the smoking experience. Cedar wood notes are now more forward, delivering both sweet and spicy notes. There are now flavor notes of coffee and toasted toffee.